Angel Face Cocktail With Gin Calvados Apple Brandy And Apricot Brandy

The first recording of the Angel Face is in Harry Craddock’s 1930 The Savoy Cocktail Book, its true origin is unknown. It is unusual in its composition in that it does not use any mixer but three spirits of equal parts. Using gin, calvados (or apple brandy), and apricot brandy (this one is tricky).

There are two types of apricot brandy and the quality varies significantly brand to brand. The first type is a liqueur that takes grape-based brandy and adds sugar and flavoring. The second type is actual brandy, distilled from apricot juice. This type is common in Europe but harder to find in the US. A good substitute would be an Apricot Eau-De-Vie.

The Angel Face’s original recipe calls for shaking the ingredients but modern versions stir instead and add a splash of chilled water to dilute the flavor that shaking normally does.


.75 oz GIN
.75 oz CALVADOS, Or apple brandy
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