Though originally a non-alcoholic beverage, the Switchel has re-entered the modern era as either spiked or as a mixer in other cocktails. Thought to have originated in the Caribbean, it became popular among the 17th century colonists in New England. It was considered to be an effective electrolyte-replenishing beverage during a time when water was avoided for its contamination risk.
A simple mixture of apple cider vinegar, ginger, and a sweetener ingredients commonly used for their nutritional value. In an effort to maintain the healthy effects of the drink, should you choose to spike your Switchel, we suggest a single ounce of a spirit like bourbon, blended Scotch, or dark rum. Anyone of those adequately substitutes the spice from the ginger.
1 oz
SPIRIT OF CHOICE, Bourbon, blended Scotch, or dark rum suggested
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