There’s hardly two more iconic cocktails to Americans than the crystal-clear Martini and its dark mahogany ally, the Manhattan. Both anchored by their heavy spirit base and balanced with complimenting vermouths (dry for the Martini and sweet for the Manhattan). Each with its widely recognizable garnishes, olives for the former and brandied cherries for the later.
It is traditionally made with gin and dry vermouth, garnished with olives or a lemon twist. There are countless variations to the classic but most commonly the ratio of gin to vermouth has evolved to less and less vermouth. The Churchill Martini uses no vermouth at all and should be prepared with gin straight from the freezer while glancing at an unopened bottle of dry vermouth. For the most authentic version choose the ratio you prefer.
2 oz
1 oz
2 dash(es)
1. Add all ingredients and ice to cocktail mixing glass
2. Stir until chilled
3. Strain into chilled martini glass
4. Garnish with and expressed (twist and squeeze peel over top) lemon peel
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